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The Parent Council organizes "Inclusion in Action: Disability Awareness & Acceptance Week" programs at all nine EUSD school sites.  The goal is to provide students with a better understanding of our diverse abilities, encourage empathy, and foster inclusion. Programming includes classroom lessons about specific disabilities, assemblies featuring speakers with disabilities, visual and performing arts, sporting events, library collections, parent information and more, all around the subject of disabilities and inclusion.  Would you like to be involved? Contact your school's Parent Council Rep.  

Elementary Classroom


Inclusion Mini-Grants are intended to promote positive inclusive opportunities between students with disabilities and their classmates.  Grant eligibility is extended to all EUSD staff members working directly with students.  Examples of grant awards include social-emotional curriculum, adaptive playground equipment, supplemental STEM materials, and classroom literature.  Click HERE for a Mini-Grant application.

Top View of Kids Playing


SOAR is the district's renown social inclusion framework designed to promote and support peer interaction for students with disabilities or other social difficulties. The goal of SOAR is to promote positive social interaction on the playground which, in turn, fosters friendships between students on campus and out in the community.  Social interactions on the playground at lunchtime are navigated and facilitated with the aid of trained peer coaches, making the playground a more fun and welcoming place.  The outcome is an increased sense of belonging and significance for all students.  Contact your school Principal for details about SOAR on your campus.   PEER/PALS are similar programs operated at several school sites specifically for students participating in special day class programs.  Participants regularly meet with general education peers for social activities, fostering genuine connections and friendships.

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The Parent Council hosts inclusive family events throughout the school year, including a Welcome Back Picnic to kick off the start of the school year; fall Family Movie Night; winter Family Dance; spring Family Fun Day featuring recreation resources for children with disabilities and fun activities; and monthly Parent Coffee Meetups.  Our goal is to provide EUSD family events where students with disabilities can be themselves, in a supportive environment alongside typically-developing peers.  The events are always a lot of fun, free to attend, and are open to all EUSD students & families. 

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