Inclusion in Action
The Parent Council organizes "Inclusion in Action: Disability Awareness & Acceptance Week" programs at all nine EUSD school sites. The goal is to provide students with a better understanding of our diverse abilities, encourage empathy, and foster inclusion. Programming includes classroom lessons about specific disabilities, assemblies featuring speakers with disabilities, visual and performing arts, sporting events, library collections, parent information and more, all around the subject of disabilities and inclusion.
T.R.A.C. Lessons
In 2017, EUSD created an explicit social emotional learning (SEL) program called T.R.A.C.. It stands for Teambuilding, Regulation, Awareness, and Community. These are all concepts based on CASEL’s 5 core SEL competencies, Self Awareness, Self Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making. T.R.A.C. represents our values as a district. We are committed to building a community in which students, staff and parents feel valued and confident that what matters to them matters. The goal is to create positive relationships and an atmosphere where each student and adult feels connected, cared about, and physically and emotionally safe. Learn more about T.R.A.C HERE.
In collaboration, The Special Education Parent Council, T.R.A.C., and EUSD Administration have created thoughtful curriculum for Inclusion in Action. This curriculum covers a range of disabilities and is outlined below.
Grade Level Topics
First Grade
Second Grade
Understanding Differences
AAC & Communication Devices
Deaf, Hard of Hearing & ASL
Cerebral Palsy
Disability Etiquette
Third Grade
Invisible Disabilities
Fourth Grade
Learning Differences; Dyslexia
Speech Disorders
Fifth Grade
Down syndrome
Sixth Grade
Mental Health; Anxiety
Mental Health; Depression